Alumni Leaders Directory

Current Leaders

Name Sort descending Role Organization Term
Ken Ofori-Atta '88 MBA
Treasurer Yale Club of Ghana 2014-
Alexander Ogden '90
Vice President Yale Alumni Association of Central South Carolina 2022-
Jason Oh '01, '02 MS
Board Member Association of Asian American Yale Alumni 2022-
Selene Oh '94
Treasurer Yale College Class of 1994 2009-
Cynthia Okechukwu '08, '13 JD
Chair Yale Day of Service 2023-2025
Juan Olivares '09
Secretary Yale College Class of 2009 2024-
Doreen Oliver '96
Co-Secretary Yale College Class of 1996 2021-
Farooq Omer '02 MBA
Treasurer Yale Club of Philadelphia 2022-
Deborah Ong '15
Secretary Yale Club of Singapore 2017-
Sarah Ong '11
President Yale Club of Singapore 2016-