Alumni Leaders Directory

Current Leaders

Name Sort descending Role Organization Term
Morgan Pierce '20 MEM
Board Member Yale School of the Environment Alumni Association 2020-2026
Rita Pin Ahrens '99
Board Member Association of Asian American Yale Alumni 2020-
Sergio Pineda '08 MEM
President Yale Club of Colombia 2017-
Sergio Pineda '08 MEM
Board Member Yale International Alliance 2023-
John Pinney '65
Secretary Yale College Class of 1965 2006-
David Pinzón Evans '99 MA, '04 JD
Vice President Yale Law School Association 2022-2025
David Pinzón Evans '99 MA, '04 JD
YAA Delegate Yale Law School Association 2023-2025
Elaine Piraino-Holevoet '75
Vice President Yale Club of New Haven 2007-
Caroline Piselli '15 DNP
President Yale School of Nursing Alumnae/i Association 2024-2026
Caroline Piselli '15 DNP
Board Member Yale School of Nursing Alumnae/i Association 2019-2026