Alumni Leaders Directory

Current Leaders

Name Sort descending Role Organization Term
Sarah Smith '15
Secretary Yale College Class of 2015 2024-
Tonya Smith '00 JD
Treasurer Yale Club of Southwest Florida 2024-
Wake Smith '79
Vice President Yale Alley Cats Alumni Organization 2017-
Wake Smith '79
Treasurer Yale Alley Cats Alumni Organization 2017-
Janet Smith-Rushton '78 MDiv
Board Member Yale Divinity School Alumni Association 2024-
Niko Smrekar '98
President Yale Alumni Corporation of Rochester 2024-
Martin Snapp '67
Corresponding Secretary Yale College Class of 1967 2009-
Suzanne Solensky '83
Secretary 1stGenYale 2023-
Suzanne Solensky '83
YAA Delegate 1stGenYale 2023-2026
Steve Sorett '71
President Yale Club of Southwest Florida 2024-