Alumni Leaders Directory

Current Leaders

Name Sort descending Role Organization Term
Claire Williamson '17
Contact Yale Club of New Zealand 2024-
Scott Williamson '91 MDiv, '98 PhD
Board Member Yale Divinity School Alumni Association 2023-2026
Elizabeth Wilson '00
Secretary Yale College Class of 2000 2021-
Meriwether Wilson '84 MES
Board Member Yale Blue Green 2024-
Michael Wilson '96
President Yale Club of Austin 2024-
Henry Wingate '72 JD
Vice President Yale Club of Mississippi 2002-
Kevin Winston
Chair Yale in Hollywood 2014-2029
Carice Witte '83
President Yale Club of Israel 2005-
Stephen Wittenberg '57
Secretary Yale College Class of 1957 2022-
Rachel Wittich
Vice President Yale Club of Fort Worth 2022-