Alumni Leaders Directory

Current Leaders

Name Sort descending Role Organization Term
Brian Wu '86, '88 MFA
President Yale Association of Rhode Island 2021-
Christine Wu '10 MS
Secretary Yale Club of Tampa Bay 2024-
Robert Wysocki '95 MFA
YAA Delegate Yale School of Art 2022-2025
Cheryl Xiang '18
YAA Delegate Yale Club of Boston 2024-2026
Hao Xiong '10 MBA
Vice President Yale Club of Shenzhen 2019-
Kaichen Xu '04 JD
YAA Delegate Yale Club of Beijing 2023-2026
Xinyi Xu '14 MusM, '15 MusAD
Secretary Yale Club of Fort Worth 2022-
Dick Ya Deau '53
Treasurer Yale College Class of 1953 2018-
Scott Yaecker '99
Vice President Cincinnati Yale Club 2024-
Marilyn Yakowitz
Secretary Yale Club of France 2013-