Alumni Leaders Directory
Current Leaders
1687 Results
Name Sort descending | Role | Organization | Term |
John Errico '08
Email John Errico |
Treasurer | Yale College Class of 2008 | 2023-2028 |
Juan Escarfuller '91
Email Juan Escarfuller |
President | Yale Club of Middle Tennessee | 2024- |
Leobardo Espinoza, Jr. '17
Email Leobardo Espinoza |
Secretary | Yale College Class of 2017 | 2023- |
Stacy Estrada '07
Email Stacy Estrada |
Secretary | Yale Club of Monterey | 2021- |
Stacy Estrada '07
Email Stacy Estrada |
Treasurer | Yale Club of Monterey | 2021- |
Amy Etherington '79
Email Amy Etherington |
Treasurer | Yale College Class of 1979 | 1989- |
Margareth Etienne '91, '95 JD
Email Margareth Etienne |
YAA Delegate | YAA At-Large Delegates | 2024-2027 |
Michael Ettannani '03
Email Michael Ettannani |
Treasurer | Yale Club of France | 2013- |
Akosua Barthwell Evans '90 JD
Email Akosua Barthwell Evans |
President | Yale Club of Michigan | 2019- |
Dick Ewing '74
Email Dick Ewing |
Secretary | Yale Club of Bulgaria | 2021- |