Alumni Leaders Directory

Current Leaders

Name Sort descending Role Organization Term
Juliet Guichon '81
Secretary Yale College Class of 1981 2021-
Nicholas Gulino '18 JD
Secretary Yale Law School Association 2024-2026
Alexis Gurganious '18
YAA Delegate Yale Club of Washington, D.C. 2024-2026
Suchitra Gururaj '93
YAA Delegate YAA At-Large Delegates 2024-2027
Elaine Gustafson '86 MSN
YAA Delegate Yale Club of Vermont 2023-2025
Maria Gutierrez Lizaur '16 MEM
Vice President Yale Club of Mexico 2024-
Rebecca Halkias '77
YAA Delegate Yale College Class of 1977 2024-2025
Ruth Hall '88 MPhil
YAA Delegate YAA At-Large Delegates 2024-2027
Stewart Halpern '78, '82 MPPM
Board Member Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance (YANA) 2023-
Phillip Ham '86
President Yale Club of Korea 2025-