Alumni Leaders Directory
Current Leaders
1687 Results
Name Sort descending | Role | Organization | Term |
Sutton Keany '63
Email Sutton Keany |
YAA Delegate | Yale College Class of 1963 | 2023-2026 |
Lisa Keeler '97 MSN
Email Lisa Keeler |
Board Member | Yale School of Nursing Alumnae/i Association | 2024-2027 |
Darin Kehler '91
Email Darin Kehler |
Secretary | Yale Alumni Association of Central Pennsylvania | 2001- |
Linse Kelbe '22 MAM
Email Linse Kelbe |
Board Member | YaleWomen | 2023- |
Betsy Kellem '01
Email Betsy Kellem |
YAA Delegate | YAA At-Large Delegates | 2024-2027 |
Janine Kenna Dozier '95
Email Janine Kenna Dozier |
YAA Delegate | Yale Club of the Blue Ridge | 2023-2026 |
Ann Kennedy
Email Ann Kennedy |
Board Member | Yale Alumni Service Corps | 2020-2025 |
Mike Kenneth '04
Email Mike Kenneth |
Vice President | Yale Club of Tampa Bay | 2024- |
Don Kent '72 MD
Email Don Kent |
YAA Delegate | Association of Yale Alumni in Medicine | 2022-2025 |
Harvey Kent '74
Email Harvey Kent |
Treasurer | Yale College Class of 1974 | 1994- |