Alumni Leaders Directory

Current Leaders

Name Sort descending Role Organization Term
Harold Mancusi-Ungaro, Jr. '69, '73 MD
Executive Committee Association of Yale Alumni in Medicine 2024-2026
Andrea Mandel-Mantello '81
President Yale Club of Italy 2015-
Jennifer Mandelbaum '16 MPH
Board Member Association of Yale Alumni in Public Health 2023-
Ann Manikas '93 MBA
YAA Delegate YAA At-Large Delegates 2023-2026
Arthur Mann '62
YAA Delegate Yale Alumni Association of Central Pennsylvania 2023-2026
Matthias Mann '89 PhD
YAA Delegate Yale Club of Denmark 2024-2025
Jeff Manning '81
Treasurer Yale College Class of 1981 2021-
Louis Martarano '81 MPPM
Board Member Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance (YANA) 2024-
Andrea Martin '92
Co-Secretary Yale College Class of 1992 2017-
Brant Martin '94 MAR
President Yale Club of Fort Worth 2022-