Alumni Leaders Directory
Current Leaders
1687 Results
Name Sort descending | Role | Organization | Term |
Sumner Parker '80
Email Sumner Parker |
YAA Delegate | Yale Club of Central New Jersey | 2023-2025 |
Beth Pavlicek '06
Email Beth Pavlicek |
Vice President | Yale Club of Fort Worth | 2023- |
Adam Payne '91
Email Adam Payne |
President | Yale Club of Georgia | 2023- |
Gene Peck '96 MES
Email Gene Peck |
Secretary | Yale Club of Santa Barbara | 2019- |
Kathy Peng '09
Email Kathy Peng |
Board Member | Yale Alumni Educators | 2024- |
Sue Pepin '87
Email Sue Pepin |
Board Member | YaleWomen | 2023-2025 |
Eleanor Pepples '86
Email Eleanor Pepples |
YAA Delegate | Yale Club of San Francisco | 2024-2027 |
John Perez '12 MBA
Email John Perez |
YAA Delegate | Yale Veterans Association | 2024-2026 |
Phil Periman '61
Email Phil Periman |
Secretary | Yale Club of Amarillo | 1991- |
Phil Periman '61
Email Phil Periman |
Treasurer | Yale Club of Amarillo | 1991- |