AYA Board of Governors Chair Rahul Prasad ’84 M.S., ’87 Ph.D.; honoree Professor Meg Urry; presenter Professor Akhil Reed Amar ’80, ’84 J.D.; honoree Professor Jay Gitlin ’71, ’74 Mus.M., ’02 Ph.D;. AYA Executive Director Weili Cheng ’77
2018 Recipients Professors Meg Urry and Jay Gitlin ’71, ’74 Mus.M., ’02 Ph.D

About the Lamar Faculty Award

Info Accordions

All past recipients of the Lamar Faculty Awards can be found on our Award Recipient page and can be searched by name and year.

YAA chair Nancy Stratford, 2019 Lamar Award honoree Alan Kazdin, and YAA Executive Director Weili Cheng at the awards luncheon

2019: Alan Kazdin and Jay Winter

Faculty members Alan Kazdin and Jay Winter are the 2019 recipients of the Howard R. Lamar Faculty Awards, presented annually to faculty who have made significant contributions to alumni programs and demonstrated exemplary leadership for alumni relations. Read more.

AYA Board of Governors Chair Rahul Prasad ’84 M.S., ’87 Ph.D.; honoree Professor Meg Urry; presenter Professor Akhil Reed Amar ’80, ’84 J.D.; honoree Professor Jay Gitlin ’71, ’74 Mus.M., ’02 Ph.D;. AYA Executive Director Weili Cheng ’77

2018: Jay Gitlin and Meg Urry

Faculty members Jay Gitlin ’71, ’74 MusM, ’02 PhD and Meg Urry received the 2018 Howard R. Lamar Faculty Awards, accepting their awards at the Union League Cafe in New Haven. Read more.

Akhil Amar, Charles Hill, and Jonathan Holloway

2017: Akhil Amar, Charles Hill, and Jonathan Holloway

Faculty members Akhil Reed Amar ’80, ’84 JD; Charles Hill; and Jonathan Holloway ’95 PhD were presented Howard R. Lamar Faculty Awards for Service to Alumni on April 28. Read more.

John Lewis Gaddis and Mary E. Miller

2016: John Lewis Gaddis and Mary E. Miller

Yale professors John Lewis Gaddis and Mary E. Miller were presented Howard R. Lamar Awards for Service to Alumni on April 29. Read more. 

Laurie Santos and Paul Bracken

2015: Laurie Santos and Paul Bracken

Yale professors Laurie Santos and Paul Bracken ’82 PhD were presented Howard R. Lamar Awards for Service to Alumni on April 25, 2015. Read more.

2014 recipients of the Lamar Award

2014: Marie Borroff, Donald Kagan, Howard R. Lamar, and Vincent J. Scully Jr.

Generations of Yale students and alumni have benefitted from the leadership of Marie Borroff, Sterling Professor Emeritus of English; Donald Kagan, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Classics and History; Howard R. Lamar, 21st president of the university and Sterling Professor Emeritus of History; and Vincent J. Scully Jr., Sterling Professor Emeritus of History of Art. Read more.

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