About the Yale College Class Awards
Info Accordions
- Members of the represented class who are living at the time of selection
- Classmates who have dedicated time, energy and enthusiasm to the class; not intended to serve as recognition of financial contributions, career and personal accomplishments, etc.
- Prior class award winners are not eligible to receive a second award.
Recipients are selected by the class leadership (officers, council or reunion chairs).
No more than five awards will be given during any five-year period except for during the first reunion following the establishment of the Class Award where no limit is imposed. The Class Award is optional.
- Selection Process: Spring of the reunion year
- Award Presentation: during the class reunion in the spring, usually at the Class Dinner
Approved by the YAA Service to Classes Committee on Oct. 18, 1980, and by the Class Officers at a meeting on Oct. 27, 1980.
Guidelines for the Awarding of the Class Award For Distinguished Service to One's Class:
- The Class Award will be given to an alumna/us for "distinguished service" to his or her class. It shall be awarded to each recipient by his or her class, not by the YAA. Class awards are meant to recognize and thank those who have dedicated time, energy, and enthusiasm to the class; they are not intended to serve as recognition of financial contributions, career/personal accomplishments, etc.
- No more than five (5) awards will be given during any five-year period. However, during the first reunion following the establishment of the Class Award, the limitation is not applicable. The award shall be given only to living alumni. Awards are presented at the class' quinquennial on-campus reunion in the spring, usually at the Class Dinner.
- The Class Award is optional. The standard award is determined by the YAA and includes the recipient's name, the class, the date of presentation, "In Recognition of Outstanding Service" and the YAA logo. Classes not desiring to follow the Class Award guidelines must select an award different from the standard Class Award.
- The YAA director and assistant directors for Yale College Classes shall work closely with each reunion class to order the requisite number of Class Awards and to see that the proper engraving instructions are accomplished. The YAA shall also maintain a permanent record of all award recipients.
- Since Class Awards recognize service to the entire class, the cost of the awards is to be paid through the class treasury. Although the awards are usually presented at reunions, they are not truly a reunion cost, and therefore should not come out of the reunion budget.
All past recipients of the Yale College Class Awards can be found on our Award Recipient page and can be searched by name and year.