Graphic: Yale Alumni Educators on Lessons from the Pandemic

Among the greatest challenges of the pandemic has been the disruption to in-person education, which involves both academic standards and social engagement. On Wednesday, July 13, a panel of four dynamic educators will offer their perspectives on learning during the pandemic, which will include insights as to what parents and guardians can do to address children’s needs and to ally with teachers.

Fellow educators can join Jessica Bialecki ’08, Mike Fishback ’01, Orly Friedman ’07, and Claudia Portogallo ’17 PhD to compare notes about their experiences. Have we learned anything to the good? Is there a path forward that builds on the hard-won lessons? Are there scenarios in which education can actually be improved?

This event is co-sponsored by the newest Yale alumni shared-interest group, Yale Alumni Educators, which is for those involved with education of any sort as well as for those interested in education issues.

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