Want to recognize and accept your financial past and present? Create specific, meaningful, and achievable money goals? Put smart systems in place to fuel your financial future? 1stGenYale and the Yale Alumni Association (Careers, Life, Yale) have arranged for an interactive session with Tara Falcone ’11, CFA, CFP®, and founder of ReisUP. Tara Falcone ‘11 is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, CFA® charterholder, and Founder of ReisUP LLC. Tara was a first-gen, low-income Yale student. After graduating, she began her career as a NYC hedge fund analyst. In 2015, she left to dedicate her time and talent to a larger audience through ReisUP, a provider of financial education and access. ReisUP’s flagship program, LIT™, teaches college students how to manage their personal finances. Tara’s mission is to empower people to “rise up” and achieve larger life goals through a solid financial foundation.