Webinar graphic, The Road Less Traveled: Tales from Yale Women Who’ve Followed Different Paths

Everyone knows Robert Frost's famous poem, "The Road Not Taken," but what is it like to take a less-traveled career path — or forge a completely new one? In this fast-paced webinar, we’ll learn from several Yale women who’ve made these choices. Featuring a panel discussion, video segments, and an interactive Q&A, this event will feature tales from their unusual “roads” and explore the rewards and impacts of their choices. Join us to find out how taking a less-traveled road has made "all the difference.”

The program will feature the following panelists:

  • Helen Glazer ’76: Photographer and sculptor influenced by scientific insights and ecology
  • Anne Shroeder ’81: Fiber animal shearing and animal sanctuary founder/owner
  • Danielle Spencer ’96: Academic director of the Columbia University Narrative Medicine Program

The panel will be moderated by Robyn Acampora, director of strategic initiatives and public service careers for Yale’s Office of Career Strategy (OCS).

We will “visit” storytellers on-site via brief videos and hear from them during Q&A:

  • Melanie Bondera ’90: Farmer and food systems activist
  • Libby Roderick ’81: Singer/Songwriter and director of Difficult Dialogues initiative
  • Debra Rowe ’77: Sustainability, renewables, and education
  • Clara Soh ’99: Rock climber, nature volunteer, Oregon Racial Justice Council
  • Larissa Warhol ’99: Improving farmer livelihoods and the environment in East Africa

This webinar has been developed by:

  • Laura Teller ’77: marketer, writer, and entrepreneur
  • Lydia Temoshok ’72: Biobehavioral Medicine researcher, author, and editor

This program is brought to you by YaleWomen in partnership with the Yale Alumni Association Shared Interest Groups. By registering for this webinar, you agree to share your email with these groups.

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