YAL - Kahlil Greene

Kahlil Greene ’22 (TD) is studying the History of Social Change and Social Movements and served as the first Black student body president at Yale. 

As student body president, Kahlil united student groups to raise over $57,000 for racial justice organizations through the “Yale Together” movement after George Floyd’s murder, launched 6 “Affinity Networks” to increase representation for marginalized communities on the Council, and successfully advocated alongside a student movement to enact Universal Pass/Fail Grading after students were removed from campus in the Spring of 2020. 

He is a member of the Brady-Johnson Program in Grand Strategy, a John Kerry Fellow through the Jackson Institute of Global Affairs, and the author of Op-eds published in the LA Times and the Washington Post. His main passion is to advocate for educational equity along the lines of class and race. You can follow Kahlil on Instagram at kahlil.greene or join his 233k followers on TikTok @kahlilgreene

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