YASC in Argentina 2025

Join us for an engaging conversation with Dr. Richard Low ’76 and Adrián Silisque from Fundación DIJ and Andrew Burgie ’87 from YASC, to learn more about YASC's plans in Argentina. During this session, you will hear about YASC, our commitment to sustainable service, and learn more about an exciting new YASC program to Argentina in 2025.
Working alongside our ground partner, Fundación DIJ (Foundation for Software Development of Jujuy), an organization that works to improve the present and future generations of computer science students in Jujuy, YASC is planning an inaugural service trip to San Salvador de Jujuy in 2025. Richard and Adrián will provide an overview of the foundation, relationship with National University of Jujuy (UNJU), discuss potential projects for the service program, opportunities for virtual engagement, timing, and other details. Andrew will moderate the discussion.
If you are interested in Argentina and would like to join us in 2025, this is a great opportunity to learn how you can make a difference, ask questions, and get involved.

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