Yale Career Panels: A Candid View of Careers in Global Health

Careers in global health are diverse and of growing importance. What is global health? Global health is an area for study, research, and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for all people worldwide. Global health emphasizes transnational health issues, determinants, and solutions; involves many disciplines within and beyond the health sciences and promotes interdisciplinary collaboration; and is a synthesis of population-based prevention with individual-level clinical care.

We have a diverse panel of individuals whose careers have been in or intersected with the trends and careers in global health. Our four panelists represent differing perspectives. The panel discussion will be broadcast via an interactive streaming video platform that will allow Yale students and alumni to ask questions of the panel and interact with each other. 


•    Where is the profession heading (good and bad)?
•    How do you get into the profession and what is the typical career path?
•    What are the myths versus the realities?
•    What are the characteristics of people who tend to do well and are happy in the profession?
•    What types of people tend not to do well or end up unhappy and why?
•    If you don’t stay in the profession until retirement, what are the exit routes to other professions?

The volunteer organizers of the Yale Career Panels are Daisy Du, Justin Kosslyn ’09, Zahid Lahani, Vivian Lin  ’77, Julie Sohn ’14, Trish Takemoto ’76, Grace Young ’08, and Peter Young  ’74. This panel was organized by Vivian Lin.

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