students and interviewers at tables

College Visions is a 20-year-old Providence non-profit that empowers low-income students to gain college admission and succeed once there. Every student in the 2023–2024 class of their College Access Program was admitted to college, with destinations comprising URI, RIC, CCRI, Bentley, Hampshire, Smith, Stanford, and UMass Boston. Learn more about CV at

Our job will be to give a practice college-admission interview to each of the 90 students voluntarily enrolled in CV’s Summer Prep Program and to provide feedback to them.

No prior college interviewing experience is required. Written briefing will be provided beforehand. You are welcome to bring along any college-grad friends or family to interview too.

There will be a 9:00–10:30 “A” session and a 11:30–1:00 “B” session, each divided into half-hour interview slots. Volunteers are encouraged to come for the entire A or B session (or both) to simplify logistics, but you can come for any two or more interviews. Please plan to arrive at least 10 minutes before your first interview.

Spanish-speaking volunteers will be especially appreciated. A handful of students will be English-language learners and we want them to be focused on interview skills, not language.

This event follows the successful YARI-led interview program for CV’s 2022 summer program (photo above), which drew volunteers from many colleges. It will be an intercollegiate effort again. It was a fun and rewarding time for the interviewers. For many of the students it was the first time in an interview situation. They get so much out of it, and they carry the experience for life. They truly appreciate it.

Thanks for stepping forward to help them leap ahead!


Contact: Brian Wu '86, '88 MFA 

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