The Yale Club of Hartford is pleased to announce its award sponsorship of the CT Invention Convention 2022 Virtual Finals. We invite members of the Yale community to serve as judges for this year's virtual competition as part of Yale Day of Service 2022. Because the judging takes place virtually, Yalies from all over the globe are welcome to participate.

Registration to serve as a judge is now open and closes on March 17. Judging takes place between March 25 - April 12, 2022. The judging itself takes between 2-3 hours over a period of two and a half weeks. Each submission should take about 10 minutes. We hope you will consider judging a minimum of 10 inventions.

Note: when registering on the Invention Convention website, write Yale University in the employer field to identify yourself as part of the Yale Day of Service. Then send an email to Katherine McCormack (below) letting her know you registered to be a judge. 

Contact: Katherine McCormack '81 MPH

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