Central Park

YSEA Picnic Location in Central Park

After a year of being away, we are happy to announce that the annual YSEA Summer Picnic is back! Join us this summer for a charming, old-fashioned POTLUCK PICNIC in Central Park! Come relax among fellow scientists. engineers, and friends while dining on desserts and snacks! Also, this is a family-friendly event so feel free to bring your families. RSVP with the google form. 

We’ll meet at 12 p.m. due west of the Great Lawn at 81st Street in Central Park on July 31; rain date is August 1. (If the forecast is for rain, we’ll email everyone who RSVP’d to let them know we're implementing the rain plan.)

What should you bring?
- Food / snacks to share
- Frisbee, football, soccer ball, hacky sack, juggling balls, etc!
- Yourself and Yale-affiliated friends!

Please see the YAA’s guidance on hosting in-person events

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