One of the great things about Yale is that, while you may leave New Haven and embark on future careers, further studies, and all the other journeys of a long, interesting life, Yale never leaves you. You are – and always will be – a Yalie. And as such, you have a place with the Yale Alumni Association.

First, the good news: You don’t need to join. You’re already in! The YAA is for all Yale alumni, and we work with fellow alumni to create ways for you to connect with your classmates and all who came before you – and those who will come after.    

Starting today, here are just a few of the ways you can stay connected and engaged with Yale and the Yale community.

Groups and Service


  • Volunteer to fundraise for your class or school to provide resources and support for generations of students to come.
  • Learn more about applying for the Yale MasterCard, which generates support for alumni programs and events.

Interviewing and Mentoring

Lifelong Learning

  • Take part in lifelong learning opportunities through Yale Alumni College and via online resources such as Coursera and YouTube.
  • Take advantage of Yale alumni access to JSTOR to keep those intellectual fires burning.



  • Yale College alumni: You can plan a class event wherever you will be living this year, and it’s never too soon to think about your fifth reunion – it will be here before you know it. You can also get involved with BOLD (Bulldogs of the Last Decade) – you’re already a member.
  • Alumni from Divinity, Forestry, Law, Management, Medicine, Music, and Nursing – you too have on-campus reunions to look forward to.

Later this summer, you will hear from us about joining the Yale online alumni community. At that point, please update your contact information so we can be sure to send you news and events of interest.

So whether you’ve graduated from Yale College, completed your master’s degree, or finally defended your PhD, congratulations! And remember, we’re here whenever and however you need us. We’re so happy to have you as part of our Yale alumni family!