The Yale Alumni Association would like to recognize and thank the brave alumni stepping up in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Every day Yalies risk their own health and safety to save the lives of others, research ways to halt the spread of this disease, and ensure people continue to have access to essential necessities.

Last updated 08/16/2021

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Nicole Aaronson ’07

Pediatric otolaryngology, Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE

Makunda Abdul-Mbacke ’92, ’98 YSM

Dr. Makunda Abdul-Mbacke ’92, ’98 MD

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Sadiq Abdulla ’05


Frontline alumni heartbeat

Seth Akst ’95

Anesthesia and Critical Care, Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, DC

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Abedalrazaq AlKukhun ’16 MPH

Diagnostic radiology, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Abigail Alt ’99

Hospital Medicine and Internal Medicine, Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, WA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Alexandra H. Antonioli ’07

Psychiatry resident in inpatient psychiatry unit, UTSW and Parkland Hospital, Dallas, TX 

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Brecken Armstrong ’99

Emergency Medicine, Kaiser Fontana/Ontario Medical Centers, Fontana, CA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Sarah Arndt von Harz ’98

Emergency Medicine/Family Medicine, Iowa City, IA 

Bimpe Ayeni

Dr. Bimpe Ayeni ’00

Plastic surgeon, Southlake Regional, Newmarket, Ontario

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Danielle Baek ’04

Internal Medicine, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Erica Baller ’06

Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Fina Cañas Barouch ’95

Ophthalmology — Retina, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Burlington, MA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Jessica Bartell ’94

General Internal Medicine, UW Health, Madison, WI

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Fanta Bayoh ’18 MSN

Family Medicine, Keck Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA

Dr. Elana Beckerman ’96

Dr. Elana Beckerman ’96

Emergency Medicine (MD), Northwestern Immediate Care, Chicago, IL

Christina M. Benander ’08 MBA

Christina M. Benander ’08 MBA

Cell Biology, Covid-19 treatment research, Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Jennifer Berry ’14 MPH

Infection Control Epidemiology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Lauren Beslow ’99

Child Neurologist in ICU

Steve Bird .jpg

Dr. Steve Bird ’91

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Denitza Blagev ’99

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Andrew S. Blum ’83

Neurology, Rhode Island Hospital and Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, RI

Melissa Diaz Bonilla ’93

Melissa Diaz Bonilla ’93


Frontline alumni heartbeat

Cynthia Boyd ’92

Geriatrics, primary care, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Peter Braun ’56

Behind the front lines: Medical reviewer of clinical trials for an independent IRB with particular focus on COVID-19 clinical trials (therapeutics vaccines and diagnostic testing), Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease, Public Health, Health Policy, Arlington, MA

Sarah Brennan ’89

Sarah Brennan ‘89


Emily Briskin ’15, ’16 MPH

Emily Briskin ’15, ’16 MPH

Epidemiology, Doctors Without Borders, Nigeria

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Kayla Cagle-Colon ’08

OBGYN, NYU school of Medicine, New York City, NY

Carolyn Calfee ’95

Carolyn Calfee ’95

Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

Celina Leticia

Celina Cardenas ’12 YSN

Geriatric Nurse Practitioner

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Aaron Carpenter ’01 MSN

Pediatric Emergency Medicine NP, Nemours/A.I. duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Danielle Carter ’08

Internal Medicine, New York Presbyterian, New York, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Michael Chan ’06

Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital, Orange County, CA

Andrew Chapman ’81 MBA

Andrew Chapman ’81 MBA

Andrew, a utility executive, has hand-made over 75 cloth face masks, using a 50-year-old sewing machine and recycled cotton materials. All masks have been donated to Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, NY.

Baibing Chen ’12 MPH

Baibing Chen ’12 MPH

Internal Medicine Prelim PGY1 Resident, Mayo Clinic

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Christine Chen ’93 BS/MS

Internal Medicine, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Jara Chen ’07 MMSc

Hospitalist, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT

Beth Cheney ’89 MSN

Beth Cheney ’89 MSN

Director of Advanced Practice, Family Nurse Practitioner, Hartford HealthCare, Hartford, CT 

Claiborne B. Childs ’02

Claiborne B. Childs ’02

Hospital Medicine, Hospital of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Brian G. Choi ’94

Cardiologist, The George Washington University School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Washington, DC

Peter Clardy ’91

Peter Clardy ’91

Critical Care, Mount Auburn Hospital, Cambridge, MA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

J. Susana Choi ’96

Anesthesiologist, Anesthesia Consultants of NJ, Somerset, NJ

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Melissa Chung ’02

Pediatric neurology and critical care, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, OH

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Jessica Cohen ’04

Hospitalist, Northwell Health, New York, New York

Dr. Tabia Collins-Mitchell ’07

Dr. Tabia Collins-Mitchell ’07

Emergency Medicine, Bayhealth Medical Center, Smyrna, Delaware

Dr. Carnell Cooper ’77

Dr. Carnell Cooper ’77

Surgery, Chief Medical Officer, HCA Healthcare, Lewis Gale Medical Center, Salem, VA

Shaundell Cyntje ’04

Shaundell Cyntje ’04

Mammography and volunteer COVID-19 tester, Urban Health Plan, New York, NY

Regina Daniels

Dr. Regina Daniels ’15 DNP

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dylan Davey ’05, ’14 MD/PhD

Fellow in Surgical Critical Care. Trauma/Emergency General Surgery, Medstar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C. 

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Samar Dekko ’17 MBA

Internal Medicine, Physician Advisor, working as a Hospitalist during the COVID pandemic, Hackensack Meridian University Medical Center, Hackensack, NJ

Deborah Doroshow

Deborah Doroshow ’13 PhD

Mount Sinai, New York City, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Maureen Anne Doyle ’88 PA

Orthopaedic Surgery, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH

Rebecca Drayer ’94

Dr. Rebecca Drayer ’94

Internal medicine, VA Finger Lakes Healthcare System

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Charles Drucker ’08

Surgery, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD

Catherine Berger Dujmovic

Dr. Catherine Berger Dujmovic ’94

Inpatient OB/GYN hospitalist, California

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Brigid Farrell Dunn ’90 MDiv

Chaplain, Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY

Cecilia Duran ’18 MSN

Cecilia Duran ’18 MSN

Midwife, Woodhull Hospital, New York, NY

Laurel Durning-Hammond ’14

Laurel Durning-Hammond ’14

Registered Nurse, Brigham and Women's Faulkner Hospital, Boston, MA

Laura Stone Ellis

Dr. Laura Stone Ellis ’92

Emergency Medicine, Delaware, MD

Barbara Latunik Esders ’03 MMS

Barbara Latunik Esders ’03 MMS

Emergency Medicine, Physician Assistant, Rochester General Hospital, Rochester, NY

Dr. Mill Etienne ’98

Dr. Mill Etienne ’98

Associate professor of neurology and medicine, Associate dean for student affairs, New York Medical College School of Medicine, New York

Andrew Everett

Andrew Everett ’12

Cardiothoracic surgery trainee at Cleveland Clinic

Sara (Leitch) Ewing ’00

Sara (Leitch) Ewing ’00

Anesthesia, Boston, MA

Sareena Fazili ’94

Dr. Sareena Fazili ’94


Frontline alumni heartbeat

Barry Fine ’00

Cardiology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Joe Fleischer ’92

Hospitalist, Englewood Hospital, Englewood, NJ

Cory Forbach ’98

Cory Forbach ’98

Emergency Medicine, Alamance Regional Medical Center, Burlington, NC

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Paul Foster ’87

Internal Medicine, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore MD

Michael Gerber ’01

Michael Gerber ’01

Paramedic, Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad, Bethesda, MD

Nathaniel Gibbons ’79

Nathaniel Gibbons ’79

Fire Marshal, Westport Fire Department, Westport, Connecticut

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Sisira Gorthala ’13

Internal Medicine, Resident Physician, SUNY Stony Brook University Hospital, Stony Brook, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Caitlin Gray ’09

Anesthesiology resident, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Howard Greller ’92

New York, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Carly Guss ’06

Pediatrics, Boston, MA

Jennifer E. Guss ’92

Dr. Jennifer E. Guss ’92

Internal medicine physician, Houston, TX

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Stephen Guss ’65

Cardiology, New Jersey

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Robert Guss ’73

Ophthalmology, California

Dawn Hagan ’94

Dawn Hagan ’94

Anesthesiology, San Diego, CA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Catherine Hannan ’01

Plastic and recon surgery at the DC Veterans hospital

Natalie Hart ’19 MSN

Natalie Hart ’19 MSN

Hospital Medicine, Charlotte Hungerford Hospital, Torrington, CT

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Sejal Hathi ’13

Resident Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

Boris Heifets

Boris Heifets ’99

Anesthesia, Stanford, CA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Hal Hobbs ’97

Radiology, Brown & Radiology Associates, Augusta, GA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Cindy Hou ’96

Infectious Diseases, Jefferson Health New Jersey, Cherry Hill, NJ

Michael G. Hrycelak

Michael G. Hrycelak ’98

Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Elizabeth Hung ’97, ’99 MPH

ObGyn, Greenwich Hospital/Scarsdale Medical Group

Megan (Reilly) Jennings

Megan (Reilly) Jennings ’95

Pediatrics, Partners in Pediatrics, Plymouth, MN

Rafael Acal Jimenez ’18 DNP

Rafael Acal Jimenez ’18 DNP

Pediatrics, Associate Director Children’s Services, New York, NY

Meredith Lokelani Kan '99

Meredith Lokelani Kan '99

Anesthesiologist, Mills-Peninsula Medical Center, Burlingame, CA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Bryan Kane ’94

Emergency Medicine, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Allentown, PA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Lisa Rudzinsky Keeler ’97 MSN

Pediatric Critical Care, Boston Children’s Hospital MSICU, Boston, MA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Nancy Kim ’92, ’08 PhD

Internal medicine, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Priya Kodiyanplakkal ’07

Infectious Disease, NewYork-Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Alexandra Leah Lewis ’05

Anesthesiologist, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Richard Leiter ’06

Palliative Care, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA

Marc Lindemann ’98 BA/MA

Marc Lindemann ’98 BA/MA

Military, New York, NY

David Liu '96

David Liu '96

Internist, Scripps, San Diego, CA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Wayne Lo '97

Retina Ophthalmologist

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Frank Lovaglio ’83

Emergency Physician, New York Presbyterian Hospital and Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Tram Luu '91

Pediatrics, Chicago, IL

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Matt Lynch ’06

Internal medicine, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, CT

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Cathy Mackey '14

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Sharon Madanes ’08

Danielle Mailloux ’98

Danielle Mailloux ’98

UConn Health Emergency Department 

Dr. Erin Marcus ’85

Dr. Erin Marcus ’85

General Internal Medicine, University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL

Rachel Mathis ’08

Dr. Rachel Mathis ’08

General, Advanced Laparoscopic, and Bariatric Surgery, CHI St Joseph Hospital, Lexington, KY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Matthew McCarthy ’02

Infectious Diseases, Weill Cornell, New York, NY

Kate McKey-Dunar ’18

Kate McKey-Dunar ’18

Chaplain, Backus Hospital, Norwich, CT

Katharine Miao ’97

Katharine Miao ’97

Emergency Physician, NYC

Dr. Andy O. Miller ’94

Dr. Andy O. Miller ’94

Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, NY

Dena Moes

Dena Kazmin Moes ’91, ‘96 YSN

Certified Nurse-Midwife and Reproductive Health Specialist, Chico California

Danielle Morgan ’00 MSN, APRN

Danielle Morgan ’00 MSN, APRN

Family Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner - Addiction Psychiatry Specialist, Multicultural Ambulatory Addiction Services at Chemical Abuse Services Agency, New Haven, CT

Aubrie J. Nagy

Aubrie J. Nagy '91

Internal Medicine

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Joseph J. Napolitano ’87 MPH

Hospital Administration / Trauma / Critical Care Nursing, Lehigh Valley Health Network, Bethlehem, PA

Jeanette Nazarian ’89

Jeanette Nazarian ’89

Director of the ICU and President of the Medical Staff, Howard County General Hospital, MD

Carlee Ness

Carlee Ness ’09

Registered Nurse, Operating Room, Red Deer Regional Hospital, Red Deer, AB, Canada

Steve Newton ’89 MPH

Steve Newton ’89 MPH

Hospital Administration, President, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas

Vipan Nikore ’06 MBA

Vipan Nikore ’06 MBA

Internal Medicine Physician, Trillium Health Partners
and Cleveland Clinic; CEO & Co-founder, Homecare Hub; Chief Medical Director, TD Bank Group; Assistant Professor, University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Toronto; Ontario, Canada

John Norbury ’98

John Norbury ’98

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, East Carolina University Physicians, Greenville North Carolina

Valerie Norton ’87

Valerie Norton ’87

Emergency, Scripps Mercy Hospital, San Diego, CA

Dawn Ogawa ’98

Dawn Ogawa ’98

OBGYN, Kaiser Permanente San Francisco, San Francisco, California

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Allison Wolff Pale ’97

Planned Parenthood, Ann Arbor, MI

Kevin Park '09

Kevin Park '09

Orthopaedic Surgery Beaumont Health, Royal Oak, MI

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Tracy Paul ’06

Cardiology, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, New York 

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Sandy Kalison Peccerillo ’96 YSN

Family Nurse Practitioner, primary care provider, Meriden, CT

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Jessica Perfetto ’14

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Rossanna Pezo ’00

Medical Oncologist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario

Margo Potts '98 YSN

Margo Potts '98 YSN

Primary care, Charlotte, NC

Dr. Noelle Layer Pruzan ’05

Dr. Noelle Layer Pruzan ’05

Ophthalmology - Glaucoma, Massachusetts

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Alexandra Pulst-Korenberg '08

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Priya Raman '08

Rini Banerjee Ratan '91

Rini Banerjee Ratan '91

Obstetrics & Gynecology, Columbia University Medical Center and New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

James C. Reed ’18 MD/MHS

Pediatrics, Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital, New York, NY

Dr. Jenny Reisner ’07

Dr. Jenny Reisner ’07

OB/Gyn, Northwell Health, Manhasset, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Gillian Richards ’00

Nurse, New York-Presbyterian, New York, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Scott Rickert ’96

Pediatric Otolaryngology, airway, NYU Langone, New York, NY

Tony Rosen ’95

Tony Rosen ’95

Emergency Medicine, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, Department of Emergency Medicine, New York, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Reginald Rousseau ’95

Anesthesiology/Pain Medicine, Good Samaritan Hospital, West Islip, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. James Howard Rubenstein ’77

Radiation Oncology physician, Advocate Radiation Oncology, Fort Myers, FL

Sheila Rustgi ’07

Sheila Rustgi ’07

Gastroenterology, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Todd Sadowski ’94

Urologist, Portland, OR

Sara Sani ’02

Sara Sani ’02

Internal Medicine/Urgent Care, UCSF/SFVAMC, San Francisco, CA

David Scales ’10 MD, ’10 PhD

David Scales ’10 MD, ’10 PhD

Internal Medicine Hospitalist, New York-Presbyterian, New York, NY

Becka Nash Sentman

Becka Nash Sentman '92


Frontline alumni heartbeat

Nick Shufro ’94 MEM

Senior Executive Advisor, Food Security Task Force , COVID-19, FEMA - HQ, Washington, DC

Mairin Smith ’03

Mairin Smith ’03

Emergency Medicine, Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital, Charlottesville, VA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Marilyn Palkowski Smith ’83

Pediatrician, Canterbury Pediatrics, Monroe, CT

Dr. Kim Stanford '01

Dr. Kim Stanford '01

Emergency Physician, University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Romericus Stewart ’97 MPH

COVID-19 Rapid test kits, lab test services, PPE, and health insurance, qMetrix, Cedar Rapids, IA and Houston, TX

Jade Sung '97

Jade Sung '97

Emergency Medicine, Alamance Regional Medical Center, Burlington, NC

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Daisy Tawiah ’05

Specialty Pharmacist

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Angela Thompson ’00

Obstetrician/gynecologist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Eri Togami ’16 MPH

Eri Togami ’16 MPH

Epidemiology, emergency information management, World Health Organization Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Ed Tristine ’92

Internal Medicine, CT

Regan Causey Tuder '95

Regan Causey Tuder '95

Emergency Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

Tracey Vlahovic ’96

Tracey Vlahovic ’96

Philadelphia, PA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Kristy Webster ’08

Cardiology, Brown, Providence, RI

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Esperanza Weng '94

Anesthesiologist, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Jennifer White ’99

Jennifer White ’99

Family Medicine, Minnesota

Sara Wikstrom '02

Sara Wikstrom '02

Internal Medicine Hospitalist, University of Utah Health

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Amy Woolever ’95

NYC Health + Hospitals, Elmhurst

Kesi Yang ’07, ’12 YSM

Kesi Yang ’07, ’12 YSM

NICU, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA

Susie Yim ’97

Susie Yim ’97

Pulmonary and Critical Care, Orange County, CA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Hiromi Yoshida '06, '10 MD/MBA

Emergency Medicine, Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Lori Zbar '94

Director of Student Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Margaret Zhang ’14

Frontline alumni heartbeat

Dr. Pan Zheng ’94 PhD

Immunology and Cancer research and clinical trials, OncoImmune, Inc., Rockville, Maryland
(Carrying out an FDA approved Phase III clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CD24Fc in severe COVID-19 treatment in 10 medical centers.)

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