Dear Friends,
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending the latest installment of the For Humanity Illuminated events in Chicago. The evening focused on “Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society: Utilizing Technology for Good” and was held at the Aon Grand Ballroom at Navy Pier. Attendees heard from five speakers how they approach AI through their philosophy, law, anthropology, religion, and computer science expertise. As President Salovey summarized at the end of the discussion, “Developing and understanding AI can’t be done by computer scientists alone,” Salovey said. “Computer scientists must work with ethicists, economists, psychologists, and other experts to advance AI so that it will improve lives. These are areas where Yale has distinct strengths.
Beyond the amazing speakers, I most enjoyed meeting and connecting with the over 200 Yale community members in attendance. I had fantastic conversations with alumni from across the classes and schools. I especially enjoyed seeing old friends and had a fun conversation with two recent graduates engaged to be married and new to Chicago! If you have not had a chance to attend one of these unique and thought-provoking events yet, please plan to join us in London on June 21, Washington, DC on October 23, or in Boston on November 9.
Best regards,
Weili Cheng ’77, Pierson College
Executive Director
Yale Alumni Association
To learn more about Yale University’s work on artificial intelligence and machine learning, please visit the following links: