On a beautiful Saturday afternoon this summer, over 115 Yalies and their friends and families gathered under a serene canopy of trees at Summit Rock in Central Park, transforming a corner of Central Park into a lively place of nostalgia, laughter, and shared Yale memories. From noon until sunset, Yale alumni, friends, and family filled the space with warmth, Yale spirit, and an abundance of delicious food while making new connections with one another and reconnecting with so many of the “friendships formed at Yale.”

The picnic included plenty of activities and other things for all ages to enjoy. Children and families played at nearby playgrounds while adults engaged in lively conversation. There were plenty of lawn games for everyone to enjoy, too, and there was no shortage of food. From the potluck that Yale Food + Drink shared to the hundreds of bagels that YAA sponsored, the picnic was a true feast for the senses!

The Yale NYC Summer Picnic was co-hosted by Yale Alumni Educators, 1stGenYale, and the Class of 2008. Other co-sponsors included the Classes of 2004, 2006, 2007, 2011, 2022, and yale.NYC and the event was organized by Grace Kim ’22, Carol Yu ’08, Phil Clopton ’08, and Brad Galiette ’08. In addition to those who joined from these college classes and alumni groups, there was a lot of turnout from alumni of other backgrounds, with alumni from the classes of the 2020s and from the graduate and professional schools representing more than one-third of those who joined. 

Thanks to the collaborative effort of Shared Interest Groups (SIGs), Regional Clubs, and Yale College Classes, the Yale NYC picnic brought together a diverse array of Yale alumni spanning every decade of classes from the early 1960s to the 2020s to enjoy a day filled with camaraderie, reminiscence, and shared Yale spirit.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined the picnic and our deep appreciation to all who helped spread the word about this event!