
Ossa Fisher first visited Yale as a high school sophomore in 1993, and she still remembers the impact. Today, she says Yale has played a key role in shaping her worldview, pushing her comfort zone, and fostering deep friendships that are akin to family. Her goal is to pay it forward to the ever-growing Yale community through continued service, and sees the YAA Board of Governors as a great fit for extending that service.

While Fisher’s service to Yale shows up in various ways — interviewing prospective candidates, hosting admissions receptions for local admits, hosting the Whiffenpoofs when they come through town, cheering on the Yale Bulldogs at the Bowl, etc. — her most meaningful act of service has been to serve as president of the Yale Club of Dallas for the past six years. She stepped down this summer at the end of her second three-year term.

Fisher is president of Aurora (NASDAQ: AUR), a technology company with over 1,800 employees and nine offices that delivers the benefits of self-driving to the trucking and automobile industries. Before Aurora, she spent over 20 years at innovative technology companies in high-growth industries, serving in both strategic and operational functions. She thanks Yale for teaching her how to be a leader, and says that Yale’s classes, community and culture taught her the importance of influencing the world towards a greater good.

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