Redpath Speakers
The YAA-Redpath Speakers Program sends current Yale faculty and administrators to speak to alumni at club luncheons, receptions, annual dinners, and other special events. We will work with you to identify the right speaker to meet your group’s needs. Please use the filter below to explore speakers, departments, and topic areas.
Results 307
Speaker | Department |
Bruce Ackerman
Topic: Civil liberty in an age of terrorism |
Abbas Amanat
Topic: Middle East culture; modern Iran |
Akhil Amar
Topic: U.S. presidency; the Constitution |
Paul T. Anastas
Topic: Green chemistry, green engineering |
Thomas Appelquist
Topic: Theoretical physics at Yale |
Carol Armstrong
Topic: History of art criticism and photography; the representation of women in visual culture |
Amy F. Arnsten
Topic: Role of prefrontal networks in allowing coherent thought |
Harold W. Attridge
Topic: The Bible; Yale Divinity School |
Ian Ayres
Topic: Economic incentives; using everyday ingenuity to solve problems |
Daylian Cain
Topic: Behavioral business ethics; conflicts of interest; altruism |
Jill Campbell
Topic: 18th-century British literature; teaching reading and writing |
Michael Cappello
Topic: Biological and Biomedical Sciences |
Hazel V. Carby
Topic: African-American studies at Yale; race, gender & sexuality |
John Carlson
Topic: Malaria, mosquitoes and the sense of smell |
Johnnie Carson
Topic: Contemporary African issues |
Joseph Chang
Topic: Probability and Statistics |