Redpath Speakers
The YAA-Redpath Speakers Program sends current Yale faculty and administrators to speak to alumni at club luncheons, receptions, annual dinners, and other special events. We will work with you to identify the right speaker to meet your group’s needs. Please use the filter below to explore speakers, departments, and topic areas.
Results 307
Speaker | Department |
Justin Farrell
Topic: Culture, environment and social movements |
Jonathan Feinstein
Topic: Creativity and innovation in companies, entrepreneurs, inventors, artists and scientists |
Debra Fischer
Topic: Life in the universe; exoplanets |
Owen Fiss
Topic: Freedom of speech; racism in America |
Daphne Fitzpatrick
Topic: Studying sculpture at Yale |
Bonnie Fleming
Topic: Particle physics; teaching science to middle-schoolers |
Paul Fleury
Topic: Nanoscience; engineering at Yale |
Hugh Flick
Topic: Indian folk wisdom |
Howard Forman
Topic: Health policy; economics of healthcare |
Benjamin R. Foster
Topic: Yale's Babylonian collections; the Epic of Gilgamesh |
Karen Foster
Topic: Yale's Babylonian collections |
Roberta Frank
Topic: Major English poets; Old English; the Vikings |
Paul H. Freedman
Topic: Ten restaurants that changed America; the Crusades |
Joanne Freeman
Topic: Presidency; founding fathers |
Kirk Freudenburg
Topic: Horace; studying the Classics at Yale; satire in classical literature |
Paul Fry
Topic: Why do we need literature?; Romantic literature and painting |