Alumni Leaders Directory
Current Leaders
1687 Results
Name Sort descending | Role | Organization | Term |
David Schwartzbaum '84, '84 MA
Email David Schwartzbaum |
YAA Delegate | Yale College Class of 1984 | 2024-2026 |
Maro Sciacchitano '03
Email Maro Sciacchitano |
President | Yale Alumni Association of Oregon & Southwest Washington | 2024- |
Bonnie Scott '69 MAR
Email Bonnie Scott |
YAA Delegate | Yale Club of Cape Cod | 2022-2025 |
Hugh Scott, III '71
Email Hugh Scott |
YAA Delegate | YAA At-Large Delegates | 2022-2025 |
John Scruton '81
Email John Scruton |
Vice President | Yale Alumni Association of Kentucky | 2000- |
John Scruton '81
Email John Scruton |
Secretary | Yale Alumni Association of Kentucky | 2000- |
Nicole Seagriff '11 MSN
Email Nicole Seagriff |
Board Member | Yale School of Nursing Alumnae/i Association | 2022-2025 |
Art Segal '69
Email Art Segal |
Secretary | Yale College Class of 1969 | 2009- |
Stan Seiden '10
Email Stan Seiden |
Treasurer | Yale College Class of 2010 | 2023-2025 |
Erin Seiffert '23 JD
Email Erin Seiffert |
Board Member | Yale Veterans Association | 2023- |