Alumni Leaders Directory

Current Leaders

Name Sort descending Role Organization Term
Elaine Anderson '76 MPH
Board Member Association of Yale Alumni in Public Health 2007-
Jennifer Anderson '01
YAA Delegate Yale Club of Los Angeles 2024-2027
Astrid Andre '94
Board Member Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance (YANA) 2021-
Nina Andrews '81
Vice President Yale Club of Houston 2016-
Lawrence Anga '80
Vice President Yale Club of Nigeria 2014-
Jessica Anschutz '07 MDiv
Board Member Yale Divinity School Alumni Association 2011-
Linda Armstrong '88 MD
Executive Committee Association of Yale Alumni in Medicine 2023-2025
Sarah Armstrong '18
Secretary Yale College Class of 2018 2017-
Ben Arndt '96
YAA Delegate YAA At-Large Delegates 2023-2026
Howie Asaki '86 PAC
Treasurer Yale Club of Phoenix 2009-