Alumni Leaders Directory

Current Leaders

Name Sort descending Role Organization Term
Tammy Ingram '07 PhD
Co-Treasurer Yale Graduate School Alumni Association Board 2024-2025
Yoshiko Inoue '00
Executive Officer YAA Board of Governors 2024-2025
Nathan Isaacs '20
YAA Delegate YAA At-Large Delegates 2023-2026
Celil Ishik '18 MBA
YAA Delegate YAA At-Large Delegates 2023-2026
Lauren Ivy Chiong '95
Vice President Yale Club of Fort Worth 2023-
Michael Jacobson '75, '81 MBA
Vice President Yale Club of Vermont 2023-
Ronald Jadin '83
YAA Delegate Yale College Class of 1983 2022-2025
Ayana James '01 MAR, '02 MDiv
YAA Delegate Yale Club of British Columbia 2023-2025
Ayana James '01 MAR, '02 MDiv
Board Member Yale Divinity School Alumni Association 2024-
Molly James '05 MDiv
Board Member Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance (YANA) 2023-