About the Yale Alumni Association Public Service Award
Info Accordions
Alumni Nominees: You may nominate an individual alum of any Yale college or school. Nominations of teams or groups are not typically considered. Nominees should have performed (preferably still be performing) sustained service that is individual, innovative, impactful, and inspiring.
Student Nominees: Must be in good standing at Yale College or at one of Yale’s graduate or professional schools. Self-nominations are welcome!
Any member of the Yale community may submit nominations for the Yale Alumni Association Public Service Award. In past years, nominations have been submitted by:
- Alumni leaders
- Student leaders
- Yale alumni from the US and abroad
- Yale students
- Yale faculty and other employees
- Deans and Heads of College
Students and Alumni of Yale (STAY) provides support to the YAA Public Service Award Selection Committee. Nominations for alumni, Yale College students and Graduate and Professional School students are open.
Submit nominations for the 2025 YAA Public Service Award
Deadline for nominations: February 28, 2025
If you have any questions, please reach out to João Aleixo.
The Selection Committee is determined jointly by STAY and the Yale Alumni Association. The committee has sole discretion in selecting award winners. The Selection Committee consists of members of the Yale community, including (for example):
- Senior Yale administrators
- Student leaders
- Alumni leaders
- Members from STAY, the Yale Alumni Association, Divinity School, Dwight Hall, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Office of Career Strategy, Office of the Secretary, Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance (YANA), Yale Alumni Service Corps, Yale Day of Service
- Past YAA Public Service Award honorees
João C. Aleixo
Director, Service Programs
Yale Alumni Association
All past recipients of the Yale Alumni Association Public Service Award can be found on our Award Recipient page and can be searched by name and year.
Read about recent awardees