What Is STAY?
STAY is all about student-alumni relations!
Partnering with on- and off-campus partners such as the Yale Alumni Association, Office of Development, Dwight Hall, the Office of Career Strategy, the Yale College Council, the Graduate and Professional Student Senate – and even other institutes of higher education – STAY hosts events and supports channels to unleash student-alumni time and talent, to transfer career and life wisdom, and to form long-lasting, meaningful student-alumni relationships.
How Can I Get Involved?
STAY welcomes students and alumni who want to transform student-alumni relations at Yale. Whether you're a student or an alum, here’s what you can do to get involved:
- Attend biweekly STAY Teas at Rose Alumni House, home to the YAA, for food, facts, fun – and connections between students and alums.
- Help produce monthly (Thursday/8 p.m. ET) STAY-sponsored events for alums and students.
- Volunteer to mentor a Yale student. If you're a student, get advice from a Yale alum.
- Get early access to Leadership Forums; Careers, Life, and Yale events; and to 1:1 Cross Campus mentorship.
- Interact with Yalies at student-alumni events, on and off campus.
- Suggest speakers, topics, or venues for STAY Teas, STAY Leadership Forums, and other STAY-sponsored events.
- Nominate candidates for the Yale Alumni Association Public Service Award.
For more information, reach out to us via email.
STAY Programs
Careers, Life, and Yale
STAY’s early mission inspired this exciting and innovative mentoring program. To this day, STAY leaders advise on, create, promote, and support Careers, Life, and Yale (CLY) events, including one of CLY’s weekly Thursday night shows every month.
STAY Leadership Forums
With YAA support, STAY regularly hosts Leadership Forums. Each Leadership Forum extends over parts of two days and features between four and six candid, private, diverse discussions. Each of these discussions are each led by a different alum who reveals how they learned about leadership through trial and error.
Financial Life After Yale
Interested in better understanding how money fits into your life? Yale now offers “Get Lit,” developed by Yale alumna Tara Falcone ’11, as a package composed of seven modules with dozens of short, pithy video discussions about finances and managing personal finances.
Yale Alumni Association Public Service Award
STAY oversees the annual selection of three nominated members of the Yale family (an alum, a Yale college student, and a graduate or professional student) to be honored with the Yale Alumni Association Public Service Award. These awards recognize Yalies who do inspiring, innovative, impactful, individual public service.
Outreach to Peer Institutions
Over the years, STAY has arranged exchanges – on and off campus – with institutions of higher education such as Princeton, Vassar, and Annapolis. Each of these was designed to gain insights and best practices on student-alumni relations and leadership elsewhere. STAY will continue these exchanges.
Special Events and Initiatives
STAY innovates! STAY has developed dialogues, holds biweekly teas to share life and career stories, supports students who can’t get home over break, benchmarks with other universities with active student-alumni programs – and much more!
STAY Leaders
Contact us to get in touch with individual student and alumni leaders of STAY!
Listen Now: HomeSTAY Podcast
From Yale students, for Yale students, featuring Yale alums – introducing HomeSTAY.
HomeSTAY takes you into the homes of Yale alums from all corners of the world to hear tales of how they set sail from Yale.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and SoundCloud.