As outlined in our March reunions update, we are looking forward to hosting in-person reunions this spring. And while we will be making every effort to make reunions a fun and seamless experience for our guests, we are aware that COVID-19 variants are still present in New Haven and in places from which you and your classmates are traveling.

Here are the latest policies in place to ensure the safety of all reunion attendees visiting campus as well as Yale staff and students: 

Preparation and Tips for Travel

  • Know the cancellation and refund remedies available to you. Refundable travel is recommended.
  • We recommend, if possible, that you turn on the exposure notifications on your smartphone.
  • While we will have some masks available, we recommend you bring your own high-quality (not cloth) masks with you. You may also want to have a rapid antigen test for your personal use in case you develop symptoms while in New Haven.
  • Consider a contingency plan for if you develop COVID or are exposed to someone with COVID traveling to or at reunions. There will be no isolation housing available at Yale during reunions.
  • Here are articles with advice on what to do if you test positive for COVID while traveling and testing positive for COVID overseas.

Reunions COVID Policies: Vaccination

  • Vaccinations, including a booster shot, will be required for all attendees who are eligible. Acceptable vaccines are listed on the Yale Health COVID-19 vaccination page.
  • Attendees must attest to vaccination (including booster if eligible) when registering.
  • Please bring your vaccination documentation (a clearly legible photo is acceptable) and be prepared to show proof upon request while on campus.
  • Those staying in campus housing may be required to present proof of vaccination.
  • Children of all ages will be welcome, provided they are vaccinated and boosted, if eligible. Please note that we are not able to offer childcare (i.e., Camp Bulldog) for this reunion cycle because of staffing shortages and health concerns.

Reunions COVID Policies: Testing

  • All attendees should take either a PCR or rapid antigen test prior to travel to confirm negative results. We recommend that you bring rapid antigen tests for personal use in case you develop COVID symptoms in New Haven. Those staying in campus housing may be required to present proof of negative test results.
  • Note that testing is not available through Yale. If you or your guests become symptomatic, you should use the rapid antigen tests you brought or arrange your own testing.

Reunions COVID Policies: Masking & Isolation

  • Mask wearing must be consistent with Yale policies in effect at the time of your reunion. If masks are required, they must be ASTM, N95, or KN95/FFP2. As noted above, we recommend bringing a high-quality mask with you, and we will also have a supply available.
  • Any attendee testing positive for COVID during reunions must mask, isolate from other attendees as much as possible, and leave campus promptly.  

If Yale’s guidelines change, we will note these changes on the reunion website.

We appreciate your cooperation and assistance as we work to comply with Yale’s COVID-19 policies while focusing on welcoming you and your classmates back to campus. As always, our guiding principle in our planning is to maximize alumni attendance while prioritizing the health and safety of our Yale community: alumni, students, faculty, and staff.

Weili Cheng ’77 
Executive Director 

Jenny Chavira ’89 
Deputy Executive Director 

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