Dillon Tjiptamustika is a member of Yale School of Public Health’s (YSPH) Class of 2020. He was born, raised, and currently resides in California's East Bay where he works as a life sciences consultant. During his time at Yale, Dillon served as YSPH's Graduate & Professional Student Senate (GPSS) representative and then as the GPSS vice president. He also founded the Asian Graduate Network, an affiliate organization of the Asian American Cultural Center.

Dillon currently serves on the boards of the Association of Yale Alumni in Public Health and the Yale Club of San Francisco. In his free time, Dillon enjoys bouldering, hiking, camping, and drinking boba. Here, the newly minted Eli Ambassador talks about why he came to New Haven, Yale's impact, and balancing the relationship between professorial relationships and free food.

Why Yale?
I chose Yale because after speaking with students and professors here in addition to visiting the campus in person, I felt Yale was the best place to foster my growth personally, professionally, and spiritually.

What is your most enduring memory of your time at Yale? 
Going to and then leaving church on Sundays with friends followed by studying (or goofing off) in a Bass study room together until late at night. Great times.

If you could relive your time at Yale, what would you do differently?
I would try to build stronger relationships with my professors. (Or maybe I would have scouted out more free food events 😋)

What would you do exactly the same? 
I’d probably do most everything the same. There were plenty of highs and lows but looking back I think everything went as best as it could have.

What is your favorite place in New Haven, past or present? 
Toss-up between City Climb Gym or Whale Tea.

What is your favorite spot on campus?
The Asian American Cultural Center, specifically the kitchen or the living room with the heater on in the winter.

What's your favorite pizza place in New Haven?
BAR, mostly because it’s so accessible.

Who is another Yalie who inspires you? Why?
The first person that comes to mind is my brother (not blood related in any way), Aiden Ahn, that man is a true inspiration in how he carries himself academically, spiritually, and socially. He is the definition of inspiration. He sets his goals then humbly crushes every expectation with a smile on his face.

What have you gained from your alumni engagement with Yale?
New friends, networks, and opportunities.

How did your time at Yale shape the person you are today?
Yale greatly impacted who I am today. The opportunities and resources are unlike any that I would have had elsewhere.

What is your hope for the future of the Yale alumni community?
My hope for the future is a stronger, more connected alumni community.

What advice would you give to current students? 
Take advantage of every opportunity but also take every break that you need.


How would you answer? Share your responses with the YAA and they might be featured in an upcoming edition of "Getting to Know You." 

And be sure to check out all the Q&As in the series by visiting our Getting to Know You page.