Cross Campus launched April 7, establishing a state-of-the-art online advisory and networking community to connect Yalies with each other and the university.

Alumni and students responded enthusiastically, enrolling at numbers far beyond expectations.

Cross Campus achieved its three-month goal of 5,000 members in a mere eight days. And just three weeks after launch, more than 8,000 Yalies had joined the platform, including approximately 3,000 students and 5,000 alumni from Yale College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and each of Yale’s 12 professional schools.

“I am delighted with the enthusiasm of alumni and students in building community,” said Weili Cheng ’77, executive director the Yale Alumni Association, which managed the launch of Cross Campus. “In these uncertain times, there is great comfort in being able to connect with those who have walked in your shoes and appreciate the challenges you face and the opportunities that lie ahead.”

Once again in this case, the numbers bear that out. More than 40 Cross Campus Groups had formed as of April 27, with five to 10 additional groups in the works. And in the 20 days post-launch, Cross Campus members made more than 1,100 unique connections and generated more than 4,200 platform emails, leading to more than 1,600 email threads.

“Our launch metrics are off the charts,” said Steve Blum ’74, senior director of strategic initiatives for the YAA and project director for Cross Campus. “We are seeing a real hunger for this type of connection – a Yalie to Yalie connection – and now we’ll work to build momentum and support meaningful, long-lasting, and impactful connections.”

Registration for Cross Campus continues. To join, or to learn more, go to

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