Redpath Speakers

The YAA-Redpath Speakers Program sends current Yale faculty and administrators to speak to alumni at club luncheons, receptions, annual dinners, and other special events. We will work with you to identify the right speaker to meet your group’s needs. Please use the filter below to explore speakers, departments, and topic areas.

Speaker Department
Haifan Lin
Topic: Stem cell research at Yale
Marshall Long
Topic: Laser diagnostic techniques; combustion
Ellen Lust
Topic: Middle East politics
John MacKay
Topic: Russian culture through film
David Mahan
Topic: Is Yale hospitable to religion and spirituality?; Society, Religion, and the Literary Imagination
Judith Malafronte
Topic: Opera on Screen
Lawrence Manley
Topic: Shakespeare; 16th- and 17th-century British literature
Steven Marans
Topic: Child psychiatry; protecting children in society
Vasileios Marinis
Topic: Christian art and architecture of the Middle Ages
Theodore Marmor
Topic: Healthcare policy in the U.S. and Canada
Susan Matheson
Topic: Ancient art in Yale's collections
John F. Matthews
Topic: Life and politics in the Roman Empire
Linda Mayes
Topic: Child study at Yale
Carolyn Mazure
Topic: Women's health research at Yale
Donyelle McCray
Topic: The life of Pauli Murray
Roderick McIntosh
Topic: African archaeology; illicit traffic in art and antiquities