Class of 1989 30th Reunion - Fees & Financial Aid - 1989

May 23 - 26, 2019

Program & Schedule

  • Saturday 5/25/19

    • Strategy and Social Change

      May 25
      10:30AM – 11:30AM
      Sterling Law Building | Room: Levinson Auditorium — 127 Wall Street

      Beverly Gage '94, Brady-Johnson Professor of Grand Strategy

      Strategies for creating social change, informed by historical perspective. Examples include the histories of civil rights, labor, and conservatism, as well as current political and social movements.

      Add to Calendar 2019-05-25T10:30:00 2019-05-25T11:30:00 America/New_York Strategy and Social Change

      Beverly Gage '94, Brady-Johnson Professor of Grand Strategy

      Strategies for creating social change, informed by historical perspective. Examples include the histories of civil rights, labor, and conservatism, as well as current political and social movements.

      Sterling Law Building | Room: Levinson Auditorium — 127 Wall Street
      Beverly Gage
    • The Inside Story: Current Jewish Yale Students Reflect on Life as Jewish Elis

      May 25
      10:30AM – 11:30AM
      Slifka Center | Room: Chapel — 80 Wall Street

      Rabbi Jason Rubenstein, Howard M. Holtzmann Jewish Chaplain at Yale
      You've heard a lot about what it's like to be Jewish on campus, but what's the inside story? In this panel, moderated by Rabbi Rubenstein, Jewish undergraduates will share and reflect on everything from Israel to interdating to the changing role of Jews in an increasingly diverse and international Yale.

      Add to Calendar 2019-05-25T10:30:00 2019-05-25T11:30:00 America/New_York The Inside Story: Current Jewish Yale Students Reflect on Life as Jewish Elis

      Rabbi Jason Rubenstein, Howard M. Holtzmann Jewish Chaplain at Yale
      You've heard a lot about what it's like to be Jewish on campus, but what's the inside story? In this panel, moderated by Rabbi Rubenstein, Jewish undergraduates will share and reflect on everything from Israel to interdating to the changing role of Jews in an increasingly diverse and international Yale.

      Slifka Center | Room: Chapel — 80 Wall Street
      Jason rubenstein
    • Time Travels in Physics and Dance

      May 25
      10:30AM – 11:30AM

      York St. - 220 : Studio

      Emily Coates '06 '11 M.A., Asscociate Professor in Theater Studies and School of Drama, and Sarah Demers, Horace D. Taft Associate Professor of Physics

      What does a true dialogue between dance and physics look like? Explore this interdisciplinary conversation with Yale professors Emily Coates and Sarah Demers through the lens of durational aesthetics and the theory of special relativity. No prior physics or dance knowledge is required, but there will be an opportunity to move in the studio, so consider wearing comfortable shoes!

      Add to Calendar 2019-05-25T10:30:00 2019-05-25T11:30:00 America/New_York Time Travels in Physics and Dance

      Emily Coates '06 '11 M.A., Asscociate Professor in Theater Studies and School of Drama, and Sarah Demers, Horace D. Taft Associate Professor of Physics

      What does a true dialogue between dance and physics look like? Explore this interdisciplinary conversation with Yale professors Emily Coates and Sarah Demers through the lens of durational aesthetics and the theory of special relativity. No prior physics or dance knowledge is required, but there will be an opportunity to move in the studio, so consider wearing comfortable shoes!

      Emily Coates and Sarah Demers
    • Tour of the Digital Humanities Laboratory

      May 25
      10:30AM – 11:30AM
      Sterling Memorial Library | Room: Franke Family Digital Humanities Laboratory — 120 High Street

      The Franke Family Digital Humanities Laboratory opened in Sterling Memorial Library in Fall 2018. Designed to support the work of Yale scholars working at the intersection of STEM and the Arts & Humanities, the room integrates the original Tudor decorative scheme with dramatic glass walls, large-scale visualization screens, and distinctive modern furniture. The space also  offers space, community and resources for Yale scholars, from College students to faculty, that include workshops, informal consultations, and specialized hardware such as high-resolution monitors, deep learning artificial intelligence hardware, and Virtual Reality goggles. Limited to first 40 people.

      Add to Calendar 2019-05-25T10:30:00 2019-05-25T11:30:00 America/New_York Tour of the Digital Humanities Laboratory

      The Franke Family Digital Humanities Laboratory opened in Sterling Memorial Library in Fall 2018. Designed to support the work of Yale scholars working at the intersection of STEM and the Arts & Humanities, the room integrates the original Tudor decorative scheme with dramatic glass walls, large-scale visualization screens, and distinctive modern furniture. The space also  offers space, community and resources for Yale scholars, from College students to faculty, that include workshops, informal consultations, and specialized hardware such as high-resolution monitors, deep learning artificial intelligence hardware, and Virtual Reality goggles. Limited to first 40 people.

      Sterling Memorial Library | Room: Franke Family Digital Humanities Laboratory — 120 High Street
      Students at desk in Digital Humanities Laboratory
    • Treatment of Aggression and Antisocial Behavior in Children

      May 25
      10:30AM – 11:30AM
      William L. Harkness Hall | Room: 119 — 100 Wall Street

      Alan Kazdin, Sterling Professor of Psychology & Professor of Child Psychiatry

      Severe aggressive and antisocial behavior (frequent fighting, stealing, destroying property, fire setting) in children is one of the most expensive mental health problems in the United States.  The presentation will highlight the nature of the problem and what we know about risk factors, causes, and life-long outcomes.  The immediate clinical challenges are to reduce these behaviors and markedly improve child functioning at home, at school, and in the community.  At Yale, we have developed effective treatments for these children.  Yet, many contextual features, both in family life and society at large, contribute to the very problems we are trying to change.

      Professor Kazdin is a Yale Alumni Association Howard R. Lamar Faculty Award recipient for 2019.

      Add to Calendar 2019-05-25T10:30:00 2019-05-25T11:30:00 America/New_York Treatment of Aggression and Antisocial Behavior in Children

      Alan Kazdin, Sterling Professor of Psychology & Professor of Child Psychiatry

      Severe aggressive and antisocial behavior (frequent fighting, stealing, destroying property, fire setting) in children is one of the most expensive mental health problems in the United States.  The presentation will highlight the nature of the problem and what we know about risk factors, causes, and life-long outcomes.  The immediate clinical challenges are to reduce these behaviors and markedly improve child functioning at home, at school, and in the community.  At Yale, we have developed effective treatments for these children.  Yet, many contextual features, both in family life and society at large, contribute to the very problems we are trying to change.

      Professor Kazdin is a Yale Alumni Association Howard R. Lamar Faculty Award recipient for 2019.

      William L. Harkness Hall | Room: 119 — 100 Wall Street
      alan kazdin
    • Yale Glee Club Singing Workshop

      May 25
      10:30AM – 11:30AM
      Adams Center | Room: Rossi Glee Club Room — 165 Elm Street

      Anyone who loves singing (spouses and guests warmly invited) is invited to a choral workshop led by Yale Glee Club alumna Stephanie Tubiolo '14, MMus '16, Associate Director of Choirs at Princeton. You will work on "Tenting Tonight" by Walter Kittredge, newly arranged by Glee Club Director Jeffrey Douma. (Click here to listen to the current Glee Club performing this lovely and moving Civil War-era song.) At the Celebration of Yale Singing in the afternoon, you will be invited to help lead the audience in singing some familiar Yale songs.
      Enter through the new entrance to the Adams Center at the rear of the building.

      Add to Calendar 2019-05-25T10:30:00 2019-05-25T11:30:00 America/New_York Yale Glee Club Singing Workshop

      Anyone who loves singing (spouses and guests warmly invited) is invited to a choral workshop led by Yale Glee Club alumna Stephanie Tubiolo '14, MMus '16, Associate Director of Choirs at Princeton. You will work on "Tenting Tonight" by Walter Kittredge, newly arranged by Glee Club Director Jeffrey Douma. (Click here to listen to the current Glee Club performing this lovely and moving Civil War-era song.) At the Celebration of Yale Singing in the afternoon, you will be invited to help lead the audience in singing some familiar Yale songs.
      Enter through the new entrance to the Adams Center at the rear of the building.

      Adams Center | Room: Rossi Glee Club Room — 165 Elm Street
      Yale Glee Club Singing Workshop
    • Yale: 318 Years of Innovation and Creativity

      May 25
      10:30AM – 11:30AM
      Loria Center | Room: B51 — 190 York St.

      Did you know that Yale became the first college to hold land-grant status in 1863? Enjoy this illustrated talk on historic Yale firsts with Judith Ann Schiff, University Historian, author of the Yale Alumni Magazine “Old Yale” column and the Michelin Green Guide to Yale and New Haven.

      Add to Calendar 2019-05-25T10:30:00 2019-05-25T11:30:00 America/New_York Yale: 318 Years of Innovation and Creativity

      Did you know that Yale became the first college to hold land-grant status in 1863? Enjoy this illustrated talk on historic Yale firsts with Judith Ann Schiff, University Historian, author of the Yale Alumni Magazine “Old Yale” column and the Michelin Green Guide to Yale and New Haven.

      Loria Center | Room: B51 — 190 York St.
      Judith Schiff faculty speaker
    • "Blues Clues" Architectural Treasure Hunt

      May 25
      11:00AM – 4:00PM
      Visitor Center at Yale University — 149 Elm St.

      A self-guided tour at the Mead Visitor Center for families with children ages 6-11, with clues to fascinating architectural and sculptural details on campus. Also available on Saturday & Sunday, 11 am - 4 pm.

      Add to Calendar 2019-05-25T11:00:00 2019-05-25T16:00:00 America/New_York "Blues Clues" Architectural Treasure Hunt

      A self-guided tour at the Mead Visitor Center for families with children ages 6-11, with clues to fascinating architectural and sculptural details on campus. Also available on Saturday & Sunday, 11 am - 4 pm.

      Visitor Center at Yale University — 149 Elm St.
      Woolsey Statue
    • Resources for Families at the Yale University Art Gallery

      May 25
      11:00AM – 5:00PM
      Yale University Art Gallery — 1111 Chapel Street

      Self-Guided Activities

      We encourage you to explore the galleries using our self-guided family activities, available at the Information Desk or as a PDF download. Our family guides are designed to be used in the gallery spaces to help you look more closely at art and to enjoy your time together in the museum. Please come and try one or all three.

      Guide for Families—a booklet of activities for families to use in the museum
      Self-Guided Architecture Activity—a guide to the Kahn building. Designed for kids ages 8-12
      Felt and Yarn Kit—a take home kit that includes felt, yarn, and a small booklet. Encourages young people to look closely at art and make their own artwork using felt and yarn.

      Also available Sunday, 11 am - 5 pm.

      Add to Calendar 2019-05-25T11:00:00 2019-05-25T17:00:00 America/New_York Resources for Families at the Yale University Art Gallery

      Self-Guided Activities

      We encourage you to explore the galleries using our self-guided family activities, available at the Information Desk or as a PDF download. Our family guides are designed to be used in the gallery spaces to help you look more closely at art and to enjoy your time together in the museum. Please come and try one or all three.

      Guide for Families—a booklet of activities for families to use in the museum
      Self-Guided Architecture Activity—a guide to the Kahn building. Designed for kids ages 8-12
      Felt and Yarn Kit—a take home kit that includes felt, yarn, and a small booklet. Encourages young people to look closely at art and make their own artwork using felt and yarn.

      Also available Sunday, 11 am - 5 pm.

      Yale University Art Gallery — 1111 Chapel Street
      YUAG Child  Saturday looking at a painting

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