Dear friends:
As YASC celebrated its 16th year, we organized service trips to Fort Mojave Indian Tribe in March (return trip) and Panama in July (inaugural trip). The program to Fort Mojave Indian Tribe included 33 members of the Yale community - mostly alumni, but also faculty, staff, students and associates - where we learned about Tribal Sovereignty, shared our knowledge, and witnessed how Yale alumni are working with Tribal Communities to implement their goals. The program was a unique opportunity to participate in a cross-cultural immersive learning experience with the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe on its remote Colorado River Reservation spanning 3 states. YASC, in conjunction with the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe, worked with students on a variety of education, culture, financial literacy and fitness & sports projects. The trip was led by Karen Green '78, YASC board member and former Vice-Chair. We are very appreciative to the Yale Alumni Association for bestowing a 2024 Excellence Award on our Fort Mojave Service Trip. Over the summer, a cohort of 37 alumni, staff, family, and friends of Yale joined YASC for its first volunteer service trip to Panama (YASC's 30th program), where the group completed projects grounded in environmental conservation and regenerative agriculture together with Sustainable Harvest International (SHI). The trip was led by Alicia Morris '99, YASC board member. A very special thanks to Karen and Alicia for their strong leadership on these two trips. We are greatly appreciative of their hard work and dedication to service through our organization.
In addition to these service programs, YASC organized a series of webinars covering past and future trips, as well as other topics including a family perspective on multiple YASC trips, what is YASC, Lotus House Women's Shelter in Miami, health policy and advocacy in Navajo Nation, and technology: the importance of coding and robotics. We are also proud of the new YASC Cookbook that was created through the efforts of Editors Arikha Moses '98 PhD, Danielle Morgan '00 MSN, and Kathy Edersheim '87, who are past and present board members, Creative Director and Book Designer Eunice Kiang '24, and Karen Green '78 for her time and legal expertise in support of the copywriting and successful publication of this Cookbook. We encourage you to view existing and attend future webinars, purchase our Cookbook, learn more about YASC, its commitment to sustainable service and how you can become involved and make a difference.
With best regards,
Andrew Burgie '87, YASC Chair
2024 Trips
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe
The Yale Alumni Service Corps (YASC) recently led its second service trip to the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe (March 9–16). The weeklong program, first hosted at Fort Mojave in 2017, consisted of 33 members of the Yale community—mostly alumni, but also faculty, staff, students, and affiliates. These individuals had a unique opportunity to participate in a cross–cultural immersive learning experience with the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe, a federally recognized Native American community of roughly 1,400 people whose reservation encompasses nearly 24,000 acres spanning three states (California, Arizona, and Nevada). YASC, and the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe, worked with local students and children in specialized project areas—education, fashion/design, dance, fitness/sports, robotics, and financial literacy. Volunteers also had opportunities to learn about Mojave history, culture, traditions, values, and customs.
A group of 37 Yale Alumni Service Corps (YASC) volunteers embarked on YASC’s inaugural service trip to Panama, which took place July 19-27, 2024. Their work promoted environmental sustainability in the communities of Bermejo and Piedras Gordas, located on the outskirts of Penonomé, capital of the province of Coclé. Working alongside the ground partner, Sustainable Harvest International (SHI), an environmental nonprofit with over 25 years of experience partnering with smallholder farmers to adopt regenerative practices, SHI was excited to host YASC volunteers for a week of service in these two communities in impactful projects focused on environmental conservation, regenerative agriculture, and community education, all aimed at fostering sustainable practices among local farmers. This service trip and future ones will contribute to SHI's work to train Central American farmers in farming techniques that nourish families and help restore our planet.
YASC Cross Cultural Cookbook
YASC is delighted to announce its Cross Cultural Cookbook! Through cross-cultural exchange and volunteer service trip activities, the Yale Alumni Service Corps (YASC) realizes Yale's global commitment to humanity. This inaugural YASC-Cross Cultural Cookbook compiles recipes, vignettes, and photos of over 16 years of service from these domestic and international alumni experiences. It is available for purchase at Campus Customs.
2024 Yale Alumni Association Leadership Awards

Andrew Burgie '87, YASC Chair, was a recipient of the 2024 Yale Alumni Association Leadership Awards. Andrew was recognized for his hard work and dedication to service. As chair of the Yale Alumni Service Corps (YASC) Advisory Board, he leads a diverse team of board members who are passionate about service. He has participated in 11 YASC trips, most recently as a Community Liaison for YASC Panama 2024. He was also Trip Producer for YASC Puerto Rico 2023. In addition to his work at YASC, Andrew is a board member of YANA (Yale Alumni Non-Profit Alliance) and a valued member of the selection committee for the YAA Public Service Awards. His hard work and dedication to service and leadership to Yale is nothing short of extraordinary.
YASC Events: 2025 Trips

Cachoeira Vivências - a socio-environmental organization focused on community development and biodiversity conservation - will partner with YASC for a week of service in Serra Grande in March 2025. Projects will focus on local initiatives to strengthen the community's connection to the environment; to promote the education and well-being of children and adults; and to provide education and consultation in financial management to local business owners and prospective entrepreneurs.
The Foundation for the Development of Computer Science Education in Jujuy (DIJ), an organization that works to improve the present and future generations of computer science students in Jujuy, will partner with YASC for a week of service in beautiful Humahuaca, located in the province of Jujuy. Projects will focus on strengthening the community's use of computer technology, AI, and social media; promoting self-identity and career paths of students; and business consulting via marketing and financial management skills to local business owners and prospective entrepreneurs.
All YASC events can be found on the YAA Events Calendar and recordings of past events in the Yale Alumni Service Corps showcase on Vimeo.
Yale Alumni Service Corps (YASC) is a volunteer-led initiative committed to community-driven, sustainable service. Serving where the communities have invited our participation, we collaborate with local communities, organizations, and University partners to address the community self-identified needs and goals. YASC presents opportunities for alumni, family, and friends to use their diverse talents in locally prioritized projects. YASC promotes cross-cultural awareness and change through the arts, education, sports, health, and economic development. Since 2008, YASC has conducted 30 volunteer programs in 10 countries, 5 U.S. states and Puerto Rico.