Redpath Speakers
The YAA-Redpath Speakers Program sends current Yale faculty and administrators to speak to alumni at club luncheons, receptions, annual dinners, and other special events. We will work with you to identify the right speaker to meet your group’s needs. Please use the filter below to explore speakers, departments, and topic areas.
Results 307
Speaker | Department |
Stephen Stearns
Topic: Evolution, ecology and behavior |
Joan A. Steitz
Topic: Basic science's impact on medicine |
Robert Burns Stepto
Topic: American autobiographies; 20th-century poetry |
Susan Stokes
Topic: Latin American politics |
A. Douglas Stone
Topic: Thermodynamics; solid-state physics |
Robert Storr
Topic: Teaching art at Yale |
Harry S. Stout
Topic: The Civil War; Jonathan Edwards |
Fred Strebeigh
Topic: Nonfiction writing; the bicycle as a cultural force in China |
Stephen Strittmatter
Topic: Causes of Alzheimer's disease |
Scott Strobel
Topic: Yale's West Campus; discovering fungi in the Amazon |
Lloyd Suttle
Topic: The Yale campus; campus planning |
Peter Swenson
Topic: Market Regulation in Capitalist Democracies |
Norma Thompson
Topic: Rhetoric and political order |
Mary Tinetti
Topic: Age-friendly healthcare; clinical decision-making for older aduts |
Adam Tooze
Topic: German history; 20th-century economic history |
Mary Evelyn Tucker
Topic: Religion and the environment |