Redpath Speakers
The YAA-Redpath Speakers Program sends current Yale faculty and administrators to speak to alumni at club luncheons, receptions, annual dinners, and other special events. We will work with you to identify the right speaker to meet your group’s needs. Please use the filter below to explore speakers, departments, and topic areas.
Results 307
Speaker | Department |
Nicholas Turk-Browne
Topic: Machine learning; human behavior; the human brain |
Paul Turner
Topic: How evolutionary biology unites the life sciences; viruses |
Christopher Udry
Topic: Economic development in Africa |
Claudia Megan Urry
Topic: Astronomy; black holes |
Noël Valis
Topic: 19th- and 20th-century Spanish literature and culture |
T. Kyle Vanderlick
Topic: The future of engineering at Yale |
Tomas Venclova
Topic: Russian, Polish and Lithuanian literature |
David Vlahov
Topic: Public health in urban settings |
Miroslav Volf
Topic: Dialogue between culture and faith |
Elisabeth Vrba
Topic: Paleontology and evolution |
John P. Wargo
Topic: Creating environments that protect human health |
Michael Warner
Topic: History of reading and journalism; secularism in America |
Ebonya Washington
Topic: Public finance, political economy |
Laura Wexler
Topic: Photography and images of social life |
Stephanie Wiles
Topic: Art at Yale; collecting art |
Robert Wilson
Topic: Biblical history |