1971 | 50th Reunion Fees & Financial Aid
Our ability to accommodate walk-ins who require campus housing is limited; we advise everyone to register early so that a room will be ready on arrival. There is a deadline of May 19, 2022, for special housing or meal requests. In the event you need to cancel, full refunds will be given until May 19, after which refunds are based on the class's recoverable costs.
PER PERSON FEES (Housing not included)
Reunion Fees:
Full Reunion = $425
Friday only = $275
Saturday only = $275
Add Thursday Dinner = $80
Add Sunday Breakfast = $25
Class Widow = $0
The Class has set aside funds for classmates who may need financial assistance. To request confidential assistance please contact Jennifer Julier, our Yale Alumni Association liaison, at jennifer.julier@yale.edu or 203-436-8014.