Hi, 9Y4 friends!
The rock-solid duo of E. TERRY & E. FOX is back as your reunion Co-chairs, and we fervently hope you’re planning to be back in New Haven over Memorial Day Weekend 2024 for our 30th reunion.
Five years ago, we experienced how wonderful it is to see each other in real life and not just on social media. How could our 2019 selves have predicted what the next few years would be like? Suffice it to say, the desire for an IRL connection is more profound now than ever. We have been THROUGH IT. So, let’s regroup, reconnect, and recapture a bit of that Bright College Years magic.
Our reunion headquarters will be in lovely Branford College*, right at the heart of campus. We’re planning some unique and exclusive activities for our class to complement the amazing lectures and presentations the Yale Alumni team is hosting.
No more Zoom, no more hashtags. It’s time for pizza and dancing and waxing nostalgic about the places that don’t exist anymore (RIP, Naples!) and rejoicing about the places that look better than ever (Commons, alias the Schwarzman Center), not to mention the people who look better than ever (all of us, obviously).
Oh, and we’re going to smash the all-time 30th Reunion attendance record, just like we did for the 25th.
Be there. We will really, really miss you if you don’t come -- and we honestly mean that.
Emily Fox BR’94 & Elizabeth Terry JE’94 (aka Foxy & Eliz)
* “The oldest and most beautiful” - Elihu Yale, probably