One of the great things about Yale is that, while you may embark on future careers, further studies, and all the other journeys of a long, interesting life, Yale never leaves you. You are – and always will be – a Yalie. And as such, you have a place with the Yale Alumni Association.

First, the good news: You don’t need to join. You’re already in! The YAA is for all Yale alumni, and we work with fellow alums to create ways for you to connect with your classmates, those from your school, and all who came before you – and those who will come after. 

Here are just some of the benefits of being an alum and a few ways you can stay connected and engaged with Yale and the Yale community:



  • The Yale Online Alumni Directory is a great way to stay in touch with your friends and classmates. And be sure to keep your contact information up to date so you don’t miss out on Yale events in your area or campus news that may be of interest to you.
  • Another way to maintain your Yale connection is by obtaining a Yale-branded email address ( YaleMail is a fully functional, web-based email service for alumni, offered through Google Apps for Education. You can link your YaleMail account to other Gmail accounts, or forward to another email address, if desired.

Mentoring, Networking, and Interviewing

  • Join the approximately 20,000 Yalies on Cross Campus, Yale’s online community-building, mentoring, and networking platform. There, you can join one of Cross Campus’ many groups, ask questions, network with fellow Yalies, and apply to be paired with an alum to be your dedicated mentor (there were 4,000 mentor/mentee pairings last year alone).
  • Get involved in Careers, Life, and Yale: Find, organize, and attend events, and maybe even serve on a CLY panel.
  • Interview Yale College applicants (in person or virtually) for Yale’s Admissions Office.


  • Participate in or organize a Yale Day of Service event. Day of Service is celebrated each spring, and opportunities to give back to your local community take place all year long.
  • Travel with Yale Alumni Service Corps to contribute your time and energy to communities in need.


Lifelong Learning


  • Follow @YaleAlumni on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, as well as the Yale Alumni Association on Facebook, and join the Yale alumni closed Facebook group. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and many of the professional schools also have their own dedicated Facebook pages and social channels.
  • Check out our latest videos and series on the YAA YouTube channel. And watch all our collected videos and webinars on our on-demand Vimeo channel.
  • Attend a Feb Club event to keep the fun going or host a Camp Yale event this summer in your area.


  • Yale College alumni: You can plan a class event, be it online or in person, and it’s never too soon to think about your fifth reunion. It will be here before you know it. You can also get involved with BOLD (Bulldogs of the Last Decade) – you’re already a member.
  • Many of the professional schools also host reunions. Check with your school to learn more.

So, whether you’ve graduated from Yale College, completed your professional school degree, or defended your PhD, congratulations! This is an incredible accomplishment; you should be very proud. And remember, we’re here whenever and however you need us.

We’re so happy to have you as part of our Yale alumni family!